November 16, 2020
Resident Notification
Bulkhead Improvements to Cedar Street and Jones Creek
Dear Resident:
Please be advised that the Borough of Highlands is preparing to begin work on the “Bulkhead Improvements to Cedar Street and Jones Creek” project. The project generally consists of the replacement of the existing bulkheads at Cedar Street and Jones Creek, as well as the replacement of the pedestrian bridge at the Jones Creek bulkhead. The contractor for this project is Brayco Inc., who will be staging equipment on the beach area northeast of the community center. Work at the Cedar Street location is nearing completion and work at Jones Creek is expected to begin shortly and last approximately four to six weeks.
Our office will have a representative on-site during construction to monitor the construction activities. We will attempt to coordinate any work to be done in your area in order to minimize possible inconveniences. Access will be maintained for residents at all times.
On behalf of the Mayor and Borough Council, we would like to thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter and apologize in advance for any inconveniences that may be caused during construction.
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office.
Very truly yours,
CME Associates
Drew E. Pavlick, PE, PP, CME, CFM
Borough Engineer’s Office