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Fire Prevention

About the Bureau of Fire Prevention  

The Highlands Bureau of Fire Prevention is responsible for enforcing the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code and the New Jersey Uniform Fire Safety Act. Primary responsibilities include:

  • Registering Businesses as a Non-Life Hazard Use
  • Performing Life Hazard and Non-Life Hazard inspections to ensure compliance with the Uniform Fire Code
  • Issuing Fire Safety Permits
  • Investigation of fire safety complaints
  • Conducts fire prevention and awareness programs
  • Fire Prevention inspections
  • Investigation of the cause and origin of fires
  • Inspection of all businesses and commercial uses within the Borough of Highlands

The New Jersey Uniform Fire Act requires that all commercial uses classified as "Life Hazard" use, be inspected at least once a year and more frequently if the use has an increased risk to life. Those uses classified as "Life Hazards" must be registered with the State of New Jersey. The Act also requires commercial buildings classified as "Non- Life Hazard" use, be inspected on a regular basis not to exceed five years.

Fire Inspections are vital to prevent fires and potentially dangerous situations. Fire inspections are conducted regularly and are not necessarily scheduled in advance and for the most part they are conducted "at all reasonable times". The Act also provides penalties and fines for refusing to permit a required inspection.

The Bureau also offers free Fire Safety Education presentations upon request to a variety of different groups, organizations, and businesses. These presentations include basic knowledge of fire safety and in some instances can be customized to teach specific subjects. If you would like the Bureau to make a presentation, please feel free to contact the office. Please provide enough advance notice so that there is sufficient time to schedule and prepare the presentation.

Fire Official: Charlie Wells
Phone:  (732) 872-1224 Ext. 252
Fax:  (732) 872-0670
Fire Prevention Main Office: 17-1 Shore Drive, Highlands

Albert Souza: Fire Prevention Specialist

Fire Prevention Assistant: Kevin Rooney
Phone:  (732) 872-1224 Ext. 204
Administrative Office: 151 Navesink Avenue, 2nd floor, Highlands

Check the batteries in your smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector monthly!

Read Fire Safety Inspection FAQs here

Fire Prevention Documents

File NameCategory
Fire Safety Permit Packet, , Download
Non-Life Hazard Use Registration, , Download
CHECKLIST Residential COI, , , , , Download
NJ Residential Fire Extinguisher RequirementsDownload
Fireworks Sales RequirementsDownload
Fire Pit RequirementsDownload
NJ Residential Smoke Alarm RequirementsDownload
Open Flame and LPGDownload
NJ Residential Carbon Monoxide Alarm RequirementsDownload
Tent or Canopy RequirementsDownload
Sterno use policyDownload
Propane – BBQ Grill RegulationsDownload
Welding and Cutting RequirementsDownload
Vendor Cooking at Festivals and CarnivalsDownload
Fire Safety Inspection FAQsDownload