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Drainage System Maintenance

Drainage System Maintenance

A community can lose a portion of its drainage system carrying or storage capacity due to dumping, debris, soil erosion and sedimentation, and overgrowth of vegetation.

When this happens, flooding occurs more frequently:

  • Flooding reaches higher elevations, subjecting properties otherwise protected to unnecessary risk of damage.

Keep grass clippings and other debris out of stormwater drainage systems to prevent clogging and loss of stormwater storage and treatment capacity.

If you experience or are aware of any localized drainage problems, including illegal dumping, please notify:

Highlands Borough Department of Public Works 

151 Navesink Avenue

Spencer Carpenter, Superintendent of Public Works               

732-872-1224 Ext 250

Highlands Borough stormwater outfall pipes restrict water backing up into drainage systems contributing to street flooding. This system carries untreated stormwater directly to the bay and ocean, and any pollutants such as motor oil, paint, fertilizer, and pesticides can contaminate thousands of gallons of water.

In addition, Highlands Borough has ordinances prohibiting sweeping of debris or litter into gutters and/or surface water storm drains. These ordinances also apply to all owners and tenants and help to avoid clogged drains.