Special School Election
26sep12:00 pm8:00 pmSpecial School Election

Event Details
Shall the Boards of Education of the Highlands School District, Atlantic Highlands School District, and Henry Hudson Regional School District join together to convert Henry
Event Details
Shall the Boards of Education of the Highlands School District, Atlantic Highlands School District, and Henry Hudson Regional School District join together to convert Henry Hudson Regional into an all-purpose PK-12 regional school district, with Atlantic Highlands and Highlands joining as constituent districts, with the annual and special appropriations for such a two-constituent PK-12 regional school district to be apportioned upon the following basis: 100 % on each municipality’s equalized valuation allocated to the regional district as provided by state law, and 0 % on the proportional number of pupils enrolled from each municipality on the 15th day of October of the prebudget year?
Explanation: A “yes” vote will permit the three existing Boards of Education to combine into one school district, thereby dissolving the separate Atlantic Highlands and Highlands Boards of Education, which will provide services to all resident students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12. Conversion to one cohesive, fully integrated educational system will better promote governance and operational efficiencies; opportunities for expanded, innovative and equitable programming and learning; alignment of schedules, policies and procedures, and collaboration and professional development for staff. The proposal maintains the current method of determining each municipality’s proportionate share of taxes which is based entirely on their respective equalized valuation rates. Tax savings are expected to result from the proposed regionalization that are an aggregate of the consolidation of duplicative services and additional state aid gained from an alternate state-aid formula provided for newly regionalized districts by recent legislation. A “no” vote would maintain the status quo regarding the three districts, with Atlantic Highlands and Highlands continuing to operate separate elementary schools, with students in grades 7 – 12 attending the Henry Hudson Regional High School.
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(Tuesday) 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Highlands Fire House and VFW Post 6902