Mayor Broullon is an ad hoc member of all committees.
Board Of Education Liaison – Jo-Anne Olszewski
Liaison between the Highlands Elementary School as well as Henry Hudson Regional School Boards of Education and the Governing Body.
Communications & Public Relations Liaison – Donald Melnyk
Works with the Governing Body to provide a consistent message by and for the Borough of Highlands.
Environmental Commission Liaison – Karen Chelak
Liaison between the Governing Body and the Environmental Commission which was established for the protection, development or use of natural resources within the Borough.
Green Team Liaison – Mayor Carolyn Broullon
Works with the Governing Body and Sustainable Jersey, a nonprofit organization that provides tools, training and financial incentives to support communities as they pursue sustainability programs to improve waste management, resiliency and sustainability.
Open Space Liaison – Donald Melnyk
Liaison between the Open Space Committee and the Governing Body. Advises the Borough Council as to parcels of land that can be purchased as well as to preserve and improve current property owned by the Borough for open space, conservation, recreation and parklands.
Shade Tree Commission: Tree Commissioner – Christian Lee
Advises the Mayor and Council concerning the proper planting, care, ground maintenance, removal as well as possible administering of treatment to shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery.